Wolfsmouth Players Company is an ensemble company dedicated to developing new work. We empower playwrights, directors, and actors to pursue unique, honest, and important work, particularly around the idea of theatre as political activism. Whether you’re thinking of applying or interested in our work as an audience member, continue browsing to read about our ongoing work, audition process process and so much more.

The Wolfsmouth Players Company celebrates collaboration and the power of theatre through the cooperative production of new and meaningful work.
Longtime creative partners L.A. Mars and Laura Anthony serve as Co-Artistic Directors for the Wolfsmouth Players Company, but the heart of the ensemble company is its members. We believe in collaborative leadership, and pursue a variety of voices and productions for our development work.
We believe in building and maintaining an environment that fosters inclusion and protects artists. This is twofold: we seek to serve both our ensemble members and the communities in which we produce work. Art cannot be made in a vacuum, nor can it be presented in one.
We believe that making theatre is a cooperative process. All collaborators are equal, and we welcome the opportunity for all Wolfsmouth members to direct their own initiatives. We are guided, but not governed, by our leadership, and provide artists with a safe environment to enhance creative abilities and explore talents through the creation of live theatre. Everyone in the company pitches in, learns new skills, and assumes the best of intentions at all times.
We believe that theatre has the ability to shape the collective mind and ignite social change through the dissemination of ideas––but with this potential comes responsibility. We choose to create artistically interesting work and tell stories that entertain, but also challenge audiences. We strive for excellence in everything we do, and endeavor to create a safe, professional experience for artists, patrons, and volunteers. Communication and collaboration are key to Wolfsmouth: we are an ensemble, and how we work together matters.
We believe it is important to understand the long-standing history that has brought us to reside on this land, and seek to acknowledge our place within that history. After millennia of Native history and centuries of displacement, many places in the Americas have been home to different Native nations, and many Indigenous people no longer live on the lands to which they have ancestral ties.
The Wolfsmouth Players Company acknowledges the Native Peoples on whose ancestral land we gather to work and perform, as well as the vibrant native communities who make their home here today. We do not have a home theatre, but the locations in which we work are built on the traditional homelands of the Munsee Lenape and Wappinger peoples, who have an enduring relationship with the land despite forcible displacement and dispossession by European colonization.
Other Nations that have passed through and/or relocated to the area are Abenaki, Cayuga, Mohawk, Mohegan, Mohican, Montauk, Munsee, Oneida, Onondaga, Seneca, Shinnecock, and Tuscarora Tribes.
Munsee Lenape peoples continue today as the Stockbridge-Munsee Community in Wisconsin, the Delaware Tribe and the Delaware Nation in Oklahoma, and the Munsee Delaware Nation in Ontario. The Wappinger peoples continue today as the Ramapough Lenape Indian Nation in New Jersey and the Stockbridge-Munsee Community in Wisconsin. Please refer to each nation's website, as well as Native Land Digital for more information.
This ensemble’s acknowledgement is insufficient without our reckoning with the reality that every member of our players company has benefited from these Native peoples’ displacement, and it is imperative that we strive to counter the effects of structures that have long enabled––and still perpetuate––injustice against Indigenous Americans.

If you're interested in our work within the arts, please consider becoming a Wolfsmouth Patron. Choose to donate as much or as little as you can on a monthly basis. All donations go to producing new, politically resonant work.
Anyone not looking for monthly or strictly monetary support can shop our Amazon Wishlist. Don't forget to include your name so we can thank you for your donation!